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Rebbetzin on the Board

Is it OK, under certain circumstances, for the Rebbetzin to sit on the Board of Directors of the Synagogue?


Yes, it is OK for a rebbetzin to sin on the Board of Directors, where there is a need for it.


The Torah instructs us to “place a king upon you” (Devarim 17:15), and Chazal interpret this to mean a king, and  not a queen (Sifri). According to the Rambam (Melachim 5:5), this extends not only to the actual kingship, but even to other positions of authority. However, according to a number of Rishonim (Tosafos; Rashba) the restriction is limited to a king, and for other positions it is permitted to appoint a woman, as we find with regard to Devorah, who judged the nation of Israel and jointly led them in battle.

Contemporary poskim have discussed the question of appointing a woman as a member of parliament (the Israeli kenesset). Rav Tikotzinsky was against the idea (based on the Rambam), but other authorities permitted it (see Piskei Uziel 44), based on other Rishonim. Indeed, according to one opinion, a democratically elected representative is not considered an appointment of authority, and therefore even the Rambam would agree that there is no problem.

For a Board of Directors, one could apply similar rationales to those above. Furthermore, being on the board is certainly less of an authority position than being a member of parliament, and it is possible that all would concede that it is permitted.

Another issue is the question of modesty. In today’s world, the participation of women in public offices is widespread, and the days when poskim forbade women from voting (on grounds of modesty) are long gone, so that this is not a consideration.

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