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Eating Desert after Benching (100 Berachos)

If someone knows that he’ll have desert of fruits or cake or whiskey which will require a bracha during the meal: Can a person bentch, and then have the desert after bentching. Is the Borei nefashos or al hamichya a ‘bracha she’eyna tzericha’ since bentching would have covered it? In this way the extra borei nefashos or al hamichya can be used towards the 100 brachos.


For the purpose of completing the hundred berachos, it is permitted to eat desert after the meal.

The reason for this is that this can be seen as ‘ordinary practice’ (it is normal to sometimes bring desert after benching; sometimes some people wish to leave, etc.), and therefore it is not an explicit case of making unnecessary berachos.

For explicitly unrequired berachos, such as somebody wishing to eat an apple and a pear, who makes borei nefashos after the apple so that he can make a new ha’eitz over the pear, this is not permitted even on Shabbos.

Sources: See Magen Avraham 215:6, quoting from Shelah and from Maharam Galanti.


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