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Mixing Two Mixtures (Lisha)

I just received an answer to a question I recently sent in — but my question was if one can mix the tahini (thicker mixture) and eggplant dip (thinner mixture than tahina but still thick) together (the tahina gets slightly thinner but eggplant get slightly thicker when mixed together). Whats the correct perspective?


Because the eggplant will be getting thicker, the mixtures should be mixed with a shinui (a change from the ordinary method).

The classic shinui is to use a criss-cross mixing action.

Note that the eggplant is cooked, making the case more lenient than regular lash (see Mishnah Berurah 321:77; Biur Halachah 3221:15; Taz 321:14), and it will therefore be permitted to rely on the lesser shinui of stirring slower than usual. This is also the required shinui for thinning a mixture (Biur Halachah 321:15).

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