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Menorah Made by Organizations

If it is forbidden to make a menorah of seven branches, how could certain organizations make a menorah to be used when the bais hamikdash is rebuilt?


This is a good question.

A book that discusses the question (Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, Menorat Zahav Tahor) suggests that according to the Rambam, the prohibition is on account of Mora Mikdash, fear of the Mikdash, and therefore will not apply to the model of the Menorah made by organizations wishing to inspire knowledge of the Mikdash.

However, this will not be sufficient according to most rishonim, and although the book suggests that there is room to permit the practice, it mentions that the person originally asked to perform the labor (30 years ago) of construction refused to do so after consulting with his rabbis.

For a general analysis of the prohibition, see Ateres Paz, Vol. 7, Yoreh De’ah no. 6.

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