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Concerns of Mezonos Rolls

By a recent family simcha there was a discussion to serve mezonos rolls or not. In the end they decided to serve hamotzei rolls given the potential problems that might arise (some guests were upset about this and didn’t think it was nice to “force people” to wash that wanted to enjoy the rolls served.)

I would like to get this issue clear. What is the problem exactly. Is the problem that if a person already eats one roll with many salads and other things that this will already be considered a kavius seuda (requiring one to wash)? Or is the problem that one might eat 2 or more rolls thus coming to the shiur of a kavius sedua with the rolls themselves and being required to wash? Is it really considered a michshal for the rabbim to serve such rolls by a simcha (for example a bar mitzvah or tanoim) where someone might eat them in the above mentioned ways without washing? One person noted that these rolls do receive a hechsher. However perhaps it could be said that they receive a hechsher to say that they are kosher mezonos rolls and that one must then do according to the halacha in order to eat them — whatever that may be.


I understand the sentiments of the family members who complained: Their claim is that they should be allowed to choose, to follow their own halachic ruling or their rabbi’s position, and not have a halachic issue forced on them against their will, and thereby be made to wash.

Both of the concerns you mention are valid. According to the stricter opinion, a person who eats 4 beitzim must already wash; according to the more lenient (and more accepted) opinion, one who eats an amount that is accepted for a meal must wash, but this is also a possible concern, in particular based on the ruling of the Magen Avraham, who writes that other foods join together with the roll in creating an obligation to wash.

Even if less than the required amount is eaten, another concern is that a person will become full from his eating, thereby obligating him to wash.

Of course, the fact the rolls receive a hechsher as mezonos rolls is not a halachic statement concerning how much of them must be eaten to obligate washing.

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1 Comment

  1. Where is the M”A that says that the food joins together?

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