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Potentially Fleishig Mustard in Salad Dressing

I made a salad dressing and one of the last ingredients before adding garlic was mustard-which is generally used for fleishigs … now I dont know if the cover of the mustard ever touched meat, there is a possibility but i dont know. My question is as follows: the dressing was used for dairy and i added garlic with a dairy garlic press. is there any problem here? (before the garlic was added i think there was a 1:60 ratio of mustard to remaining ingredients.


Because the mustard was initially parev, and you do not know of any instance that caused it to become meaty, you don’t have to fear that it became fleishig, and can continue to assume that it is parev.

Moreover, even contact with meat will not necessary render the entire mustard fleishig.

There is therefore no problem in the salad, and there is no need to worry about the ration of 1:60 that the question mentions (though this is also a consideration, under the assumption that the mustard actually became fleishig).

Best wishes.


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