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Kashering Grates

How does one properly kasher the grates on top of a stove (that was used by a goy)? May the fire be turned on the highest heat under the grates for a specified amount of time? What about the parts that the fire doesn’t get to?

May the grates be put into a self-cleaning oven when it’s on the highest setting for a specified amount of time. Would this be enough?

Please address all the points raised and the best eitzah (with any sources.)


The Rema (451:4) writes with regard to Pesach that the grates require libun, referring to libun kal. It is not enough to turn on the fire, because of the parts that the fire does not reach, and one must apply the source of heat to all parts of the grates.

However, the Peri Megadim writes that this is a chumra, because the primary use of the grates is not for food, but for pots alone. Therefore, there is room to be lenient and to do hag’alah for the parts of the grates that the fire does not reach. See also Iggros Moshe (1:124) who likewise writes that the obligation to perform libbun is a chumra concerning Pesach alone.

Placing the grates in a self-cleaning oven is fine, but I am concerned that the grates will be damaged.

Best wishes.


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