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Tehillim for the Sick

I am part of a group who have been reciting several perakim of Tehillim every day for the last few months for someone whose life was in danger but Baruch Hashem is no longer. She is still physically limited and needs treatment but she is no longer in hospital and her life is no longer in danger.
In the meantime I have been asked several times to take upon myself other perakim to say every day for people whose life is in the balance.
I can’t commit myself to saying for many people as I don’t have the time.

At what point should one stop saying the whole sefer for someone who is recovering if it means being unable to say Tehillim for someone who is at this point much sicker?

When asked, the woman’s son asked us to continue saying the whole sefer for her, which I understand as it his mother.
I would of course continue to daven for her and include her name in other tefillos and Tehillim, but just not commit to saying a certain number just for her every day.


Once the person is Baruch Hashem out of danger, it is better to dedicate the Tehillim to a person who is dangerously ill.

Although Tehillim are of course good and effective for all purposes, a dangerously ill person is the first on the “list of priorities.”

At the same time, you can always add the sick person (who is no longer in danger) in the prayer after saying Tehillim.

Best wishes.

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