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Yoledes Going to Shul (and elsewhere)

I read in an article about the dinim of a yoledes and bringing a korbon todah that the Rambam holds that a woman should not go to shul for barchu before 40 days. The Magen Avraham disagrees and says she can go before and the minhag is to go at 4 weeks. There is also a hakpada as brought down by the Panim Meiros and Mahari Greenwald not to go out of the house till one has gone to shul for Barchu. What is the correct thing to do? Can one go to shul before 4 weeks in order to hear barchu. Or should one wait 4 weeks although one will need to go out of the house before hearing barchu?


The idea of waiting four weeks is that in bygone days a woman did not get up for four weeks after giving birth (Shut Maharshal no. 45).

Today, this is not the custom nor a medical requirement, and a woman can go to shul whenever she feels strong enough.

On the other hand, many are not particular that the first place she goes should be to shul, and barring a special family custom, she is free to go where she wishes.

Please see here where we briefly discussed the issue.

Best wishes.

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