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Squaring the Dalet of Tefillin

My family was once Carliner Chassidim (2-3 generations back). We therefore put on tefillin in a Nusach Sefard way (the Shel Yad straps going out). A Sofer who saw my tefillin recently, said the Shel Rosh should be a square. The Sofer did mention that Gerrer Chassidim have the Shel Rosh as a dalet but everyone else (other chassidim) he knew of had it as a square….Should I switch the Shel Rosh to a square? (Do Carliner Chassidim have a dalet like Gerrer)?



Many Chassidim have the knot as the letter dalet, and the custom of tying the knot as as dalet is far more universal than the square knot.

I don’t know what the particular custom of Karlin is, but since in any case I understand that you are not today a practicing Karlin chassid, yet continue to maintain chassidic custom, I don’t think that this has to be binding one way or another.

You can therefore leave the dalet, which as noted is a very universal custom among all denominations.

Best wishes.


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