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Moshiach as the Kohen Gadol

Hello Rabbi,

When moshiach comes will there be a Kohen Gadol to serve in the temple? Will moshiach serve as the Kohen I have many questions could you recommend a book that would help me with these questions?

thank you Rabbi,

Stephen Goldenberg


According to the Rambam, the halachic system will not change upon the coming of Moshiach.

Therefore, the Moshiach himself won’t be able to serve in the Mikdash, because he is not a Kohen (he descends from David).

Rather, Kohanim will serve. Because of this, the Chafetz Chaim wished to prepare Kohanim for future service by establishing a special program of studying Kodshim.

I don’t know of a special book that deals with matters of future times, but as noted, the basic halachic structure is not due to change (at least not in the first instance; Midrashim write that at certain stages things will change), and everything else is quite hazy.

There are conflicting Midrashim concerning the order of the coming of Moshiach, the war of Gog and Magog, the building of the Mikdash, and so on, so it is hard to know how things will take place.

Best wishes.

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  1. who is going to be the Kohen Gadol when Mashiach comes?

    1. We daven everyday to be avble to find this out soon.

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