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Covering Hair During Wedding

Does a women have to wear a sheitel during her wedding after the chuppah?


Some are particular for this, but others have the custom of being lenient in this matter and to only begin covering hair from the morning after the wedding.

Each person should therefore act according to his family/community custom.

Best wishes.


There is a dispute among authorities concerning when a woman is considered “married” in order to be obligated to cover her hair (See Chavas Ya’ir 196; Shevus Yaakov 1:103, Pischei Teshuva 21:2; Nodeh Biyehuda 2:79; Panim Meiros 1:35, Mishnah Berurah 75:11, Aruch Ha-Shulchan 21:4).

Most authorities are of the opinion that the obligation starts after Kiddushin, and based on this opinion a woman should cover her hair before the Chuppah to ensure it will be covered when the eirusin is over (Kinyan Torah 2:43; Az Nidberu 8:65, 12:50:1, 12:64; Yechaveh Da’as 5:62; Shevet Ha-Levi 9:259; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 4:294; and several works citing rulings of Rabbi Elyashiv zt”l; see also Emes Le-Yaakov Even Ha-Ezer 55, footnote 25).

However, some say the obligation starts after Yichud, whereas other poskim state that a woman must cover her hair only from the morning after the wedding. Most, in particular outside Israel, follow this latter view permit women to begin covering their hair from the morning after (see Chasam Sofer, Yoreh De’ah 195, Rivevos Ephraim 6:page 570, Avnei Yushfei 3:107:2, Teshuvos Ve-Hanhugos 4:294, Ishei Yisroel 55:footnote 77; Bnei Banim 3:23).

In chassidish circles, and generally in Israel, the custom is to have the woman cover her hair before the Chuppah.

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  1. “Most authorities are of the opinion that the obligation starts after Kiddushin”

    I believe you mean to say after Nesuin, not kiddushin. Though nowadays it makes no difference, as we do kiddushin and nesuin one right after the other.

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