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Bleeding in Pregnancy for Veses

If a woman knew she was pregnant and weeks later starting seeing lots of dam, so that she is now tameh — does this also need to be considered for a veset (in a case that it was indeed a miscarriage and she was no longer pregnant afterwards.)


Under the circumstances there is no need to observe this date for a veses.

Best wishes.


According to the Gemara and the classical poskim (including the Shulchan Aruch 184:37 and 189:36) a woman continues to have a menstrual cycle into the first three months of her pregnancy, and these will therefore be of consequence for her veses.

However, Rav Moshe Feinstein (Iggros Moshe Yoreh De’ah 3:52; 4:17) writes that in our days, a woman is considered clean of blood from the first months of her pregnancy. According to this approach, a menstrual flow, even in the first three months, will be considered a mikreh, “by chance,” and will not obligate its days of veses for the next months.

In the case of the question the woman was clearly “mesulekes damim” (in keeping with Rav Moshe’s assumption for today), so that when bleeding began it was clealry not a natural veses but rather something unusual that will not be relevant for the veses cycles.



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