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Asking Non-Jew to Turn On Lights in Shul


Can arrangements be made for a Goy to open up a shul if this entails melachah (e.g. electric lock, alarm)? What about turning on lights? If so, how should they be asked and may they be asked on Shabbos itself?


It is permitted to make regular arrangements for a Goy to open up the shul on Shabbos morning. Since he doesn’t need to be told on Shabbos this is not a case of amira le-akum, and neither is this considered benefiting from a non-Jew’s labor, since walking into the Shul is not a direct benefit.

Turning on the lights is more problematic, and this should be avoided if possible. If not possible, it is permitted only where leaving the lights off will cause people to refrain from davening in Shul.

Best wishes.


See Ran, Shabbos Chap. 19 citing from Baal HaIttur, and Rema Orach Chaim 276:2; Mishnah Berurah 276:22 and 25; Halichos Olam 3:1.

If possible, the Goy should turn on the lights with a shinuy, and if possible one Goy should be told to ask another Goy to turn them on.

If it is clear that the congregants will daven in Shul even without lights, it is not permitted to tell the Goy to turn on the lights (see Iggros Moshe Orach Chaim 3:42).


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