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Childhood Damages

Shalom, Does a person who harmed another when they were minors need to ask forgiveness when he reaches bar mitzvah age or older? Does it matter if the person that was harmed was also a minor? Does it matter what the type of harm was? Thank you


While there is no obligation according to the letter of the law, it is a commendable practice to ask forgiveness for wrongdoings done when a child.


See Rama Shulchan Aruch O:C 343 and Trumas Hadeshen 62. Igros Moshe Y:D 2:10 explains based on numerous sources that there are 2 reasons for this practice. One is to guide one’s self in the proper path to take accountability for his actions. In addition there is a potential bad omen on a child even if he did wrong as a child, and to remove this he should do teshuva.

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