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Hindu Co-workers

I recently began working at a company comprised mostly of Hindus. This is the first time I have been exposed to what seems like real idolatry. Most employees are in India, but the office I work in is also mostly Hindus. The people are very nice, respectful, etc. There are images of gods on their deks, and last week was their major Diwali festival. These people seem so morally upright, and compassionate. Its an anomaly. Knowing how repugnant idolatry is, can you provide insight as to how to view and interact with these people who are seemingly much nicer people than many Americans and people I have worked with previously? When asking about and reading about their recent Diwali holiday, I couldn’t believe that these people believe in various gods. I may have heard of this before, but never encountered it. Can you provide insight how to view and relate with them? Since I spend the majority of my time with them, knowing what they believe in, I am uneasy. They are very respectful towards me. Can they be viewed as tinok shenishbar? Or more bluntly, how does G-d view and relate to them. Thank you for taking the time and providing your insight.


The Mishna in Avos 3:14 tells us that all of mankind is created in the image of God. See the Teferes Yisrael there who lists numerous non Jews whose work and heroism as benefited all of mankind, including Jews. So it is no surprise that there are upstanding righteous people among the nations.

While violating Avoda Zara is a grave sin, so are the many so violate other of the 7 Noahide Laws. If they were raised this way will they be held accountable for their beliefs, perhaps not. Either way they should be respected as human beings, appreciated if they are moral and honest, and ultimately pitied for their erroneous beliefs.

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