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Lo Tachmod – Taking over someone elses old furniture.


So I live with some other guys in an apartment. I have a friend (who was in college this year) who lives in another apartment. This friend is moving out of town, so I asked him if he is getting rid of his furniture, so we could use.
I think I told him at first that if he doesn’t sell anything on craigslist, we would be glad to take it.
Eventually, he decided to take everything off craigslist and send some of the furniture to his brother and the rest he will give/sell to us.
So I came over to his place to ask him what is available and how much is he asking.
I tried making it clear that he shouldn’t feel any pressure to sell or give it to us, and that he shouldn’t feel any need to give it for cheap, and I only want stuff that he doesn’t want to keep anyways.
Anyways, so he told me what I could take and the prices (which was quite low) and that is the story.

Could there be any issue of Lo Tachmod in this story. Even if I didn’t relate every detail exactly (I think I did, I just want to make sure), could there be any issue of Lo Tachmod over here.



All you did was telling your friend that you are interested in any leftover furniture. You did not try to mislead or deceive him in any way. You display a character of true honesty and do not have to worry about .לא תחמוד



חינוך מצוה לח, רמב”ם הל’ גזילה פ”א ה”ט, חו”מ סי’ שנט

Sefer Hachinuch 38, rambam – laws of stealing 81:9, choshen mishpat 359


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