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Additional job in school


Hi Rabbi I work for a school in which they pay a yearly amount , in the beginning of the year I was offered to be part of the minyan and help out with the kids for additional pay, I used to go a lot to pray with them but it feels that they pray rather quickly and it is noisy and I find it difficult to pray there so I find it difficult to go and haven’t gone so often skipping days etc. they know I haven’t been showing up that often but don’t make a big deal about it, I wonder what I should do as the salary is set into the paycheck with the amount for praying with the minyan apart of it what do I do?


An agreement must be honored, so therefore I suggest that you speak to the management and tell them your story. You never know they might just leave things as is. By the way, perhaps by you praying with the kids would be a positive example for them and show them how one should really pray!



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