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Blessing – Is the outcome of a Bracha that what Kabbala calls the Shefa?


“The Rishonim explain that the word brocho comes from breycha – a spring. A spring flows constantly and its waters increase. When we bless Hashem we are proclaiming our hope for an increase of His Presence in the world’s affairs..” Was one answer I got from here.. then I went on studying on this topic and found a concept called Shefa: abundance of goodness, flowing from Above.

Is this what happens when one recites a blessing? How are these two terms related?


It is a dispute amongst the Rishonim as to what is the meaning of Bracha. The Rashboh in his Teshuvos explains one way and in his explenation on the gemorah explains the other way. Rabenu Bechaye says that both explanations are correct. When we bless Hashem and proclaim our hope for an increase of His Presence in the world’s affairs in return we are rewarded by Hashem with an abundance of goodness, flowing from Above. And that is why the gemorah in Brochos 35b says if one eats without a brocho he is stealing from “kneses yisroel”- explains Rashi the fruit is smitten. By not saying a brocho he is suppressing the abundance of goodness.


Teshuvas HaRashbo 1:423, Chidushey Agados Brochos 7, Rabenu Bechaya Devorim 8:10, Nefesh Hachim 2:2.


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