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hilchos brachos


When one is having a bbq on his front lawn, and he keeps going back and forth inside the house and out to the lawn, is it necessary to repeat the bracha each time (on the meat or drinks)?


Since it is common practice to go back and forth we can assume that when the original brocho was made the person had in mind that he would change his location. Also if the yard is en fenced it could be considered as if one is going from one room to another. Also if someone was constantly next to the BBQ not a problem for someone else to leave.


O:CH 178:1-3 Mishnah Berurah 12, 14, 25, 33, 37, 42 Biur Halacha ד”ה בבית Teshuvas Igros Moshe O:CH 5:16-10

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