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Regarding pre-ejaculate fluid


Hi, I came across your response regarding the fact that pre-seminal fluid is not considered zera in halachah. I am so glad that someone talks about this as I would be too embarrassed to ask.
My question is as follows: Occasionally this fluid seeps out from me (under certain conditions where a Rav has told me not to worry about it). However, I have found that for some reason it continues to seep out for quite some time. So I stop saying brachos, etc. during that time where I feel it might be seeping out. This greatly bothers me as it takes a lot of time of waiting around, etc. for it to stop seeping out. My question is that since its not like full fledged zera, is there any heter to say brachos, learn torah, etc. WHILE it is actually seeping out??
Thanks so much


The pre-seminal fluid comes from the Cowper gland which neutralizes any acidic urine which remains in the urethra, which is not zera. Also Ezra annulled tevila for a bal keri so therefore brachos can be recited.


O:CH 88

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