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Parameters of kol isha


I have looked online for the parameters of the halacha of kol Isha, but unfortunately have only found reform authored articles, and the like. I am therefore writing to you to ask just what are the parameters for kol Isha? Do we, ashkenazim,follow the psak of rav ovadia that it is only if you know what the woman looks like. At what point is it considered singing? When could you be considered an אונס?

Thank you.


Most poskim to not agree with the lenient opinion, that when the woman is not seen that it is permitted, (see sources) therefore they would not follow s a psak. Regarding your second question, I am not sure what you mean by “At what point is it considered singing?”‘. If someone is in a situation that they can’t turn the music off, ( such as in a bus and he can’t ask the driver to turn it off etc.)  then he would be considered an ones.  If you can plug your ears that would be better.

I am attacng an article written in Halachhically Speaking, whh discusses numerous issues regarding vol 3-25 Kol Isha and other modesty Issues


Pri Hasadeh 3:32, Chelkes Yaakov 1:163, Tzitz Eliezer 5:2, Shevet Ha’Levi E.H. 3:181, 5:197:4, Oz Nedberu 9:59:1, Be’er Moshe kuntres electric 7:109, Shearim Metzuyanim B’halacha 5:14:page 22, Halichos Bas Yisroel 6:5:footnote 10. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 5:16, Avnei Yushfei 2:5:3, Halichos Shlomo Teffilah 20-12,


Pri Hasadeh 3:32, Chelkes Yaakov 1:163, Tzitz Eliezer 5:2, Shevet Ha’Levi E.H. 3:181, 5:197:4, Oz Nedberu 9:59:1, Be’er Moshe kuntres electric 7:109, Shearim Metzuyanim B’halacha 5:14:page 22, Halichos Bas Yisroel 6:5:footnote 10. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 5:16, Avnei Yushfei 2:5:3, Halichos Shlomo Teffilah 20-12,

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