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Breaking glass during marriage ceremony


Dear Rabbi,
Our son is getting married this summer. One of the important details in the planning has to do with the kind of glass that is used when the groom breaks the glass. Is it an ordinary wineglass provided by the caterer? Or is it a special type of wine glass that has to be purchased in advance? A family friend commented from experience that a heavy glass is more difficult to break and a thin glass should be used. Would we have to buy it from a Judaica store?


Mazal Tov and congratulations may you have much nachas from the young couple.

The glass that the groom breaks can be any glass that there is and there is no specific specifications as to what kind it should be. Being that the glass is bring broken in any case personally I would use a cheap one, but not one that is too thick, because practically it is harder to break.

Best Wishes


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