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Can one in Aveilus play musical instrument on Purim

Question: I’m in 2nd year of back to back aveilus for my parents. I understand that we are meikel in allowing Aveilim to attend their usual purim seuda even if there is music. I would like to know if the Avel himself is allowed to play an instrument on purim if they generally do. (not […]

Woman davening Maariv, forgot to say bli neder…

Question: I have learned that if a woman starts to daven Maariv, she should stipulate bli neder. However, I have been davening Maariv consistently now for a while and I dont think I ever said bli neder. What should I do in this situation? There are situations where I see that it is not the […]

Paying a painter who didn’t complete a job correctly

Question: Hi- I have a painter doing a job however he isn’t using the necessary materials (primer) and the job isn’t coming out well. I don’t want to withhold money because it isn’t proper but I will have to repaint his work. What do I do according to Halacha? Should I ask him to repaint […]

Walking down the children to the Chupah

Question: Where do the minhagim come for taking children to the chupa? The Rama advocates mothers take the bride and fathers take the groom. However, there is another Gadol who says that it is preferable for both parents to take their own children down the aisle. Would the Rav know which Gadol this was?   […]

Image of Shushan on Entrance to Beis Hamikdosh

Question: The Mishna in Middos tells us that the Mizrach gate had on top an image of Shushan.The Gem in Menochos gives 2 potential explanations but either seem hard to understand. Would you be able to explain this more? I know this is not a halachic query but I found v little in the seforim. […]

Obligations of a non jew

Question: Is a non-Jew obligated in the mitzva to propagate the world, like a Jew is?   Answer: Hello, According to most authorities, they are not obligated in this mitzva, however there is still a preference for them to do so. Have a good day Sources: סנהדרין נ”ט :, וע”ש בתוס’, וכן ברמב”ן נדה י”ג., […]

Copyright in Halacha

Question: What copyright does a siddur have? The text in Hebrew was established by the chachamim. So im assuming there no rights to that? Would the rights just be to the translation and commentaries right? Answer: Correct, the translation and commentaries are the publisher’s, but not only that, the fonts typesetting and layout of the […]

Leaving an onion slice overnight in a sandwhich

Question: My wife wants to make me a sandwich and store it in the refrigerator overnight. Is the onion prohibited because of the inyan of not leaving a cut onion overnight?   Answer: Hello, Usually it won’t be an issue because the onion is mixed with the other foods in the sandwich such as mayonnaise […]

Two mattresses on a wide platform bed

Question: Hi, it is ok during niddah to sleep on separate mattresses that are pushed apart but rest on a wide platform bed with no surrounding frame, just a shared headboard. Can it be considered like two mattresses separated on an elevated floor?   Answer: Hello, If I am understanding you correctly, you mean to […]

Eating at non-religious home on Pesach

Question: Greetings. What are the halachic parameters for eating at the home of a non-religious relative even if the food is kosher for Pesach, where the relative does not dispose of or sell their chametz? Thank you.   Answer: Hello, It is good that you are asking well in advance of Pesach, because there is […]

Was Mordechai right in not bowing down?

Question: We read in the Megillah that Mordechai did not bow down, and Chazal explain that there was an idol hanging down Haman. Nevertheless, I wonder halachically how this makes sense, considering the Rema quotes the Terumas Hadeshen that it is permissible to make the bowing “unrecognisable”, ie. bowing down earlier or collecting dropped coins […]

Potential Non-Kosher Contact

Question: Unfortunately, my step-daughter eats non-kosher with her biological father. Usually, I just have her wash her hands when she comes home. Tonight she forgot to wash them and then was in the kitchen looking for something. I’m fairly certain she only touched a front part of the counter and it has been washed. I […]