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Who helped Shlomo build the Beis Hamikdash ?

Question: Please take a look at Shlomo’s dream in Melachim 1 chapter 3 and Divrei Hayamim 2 chapter 1. The words used by G-d and Shlomo are slightly different. Why would Ezra confuse matters in this way. Another example is the tribe of Chiram who helped Shlomo build the Beis Hamikdash. Was he from Dan […]

Can I “lose” a library book in order to keep it? What is my owndershi

Question: There is a book that I’d like to buy, but it is out of print and I can’t find it anywhere for a reasonable price. I see that the public library has a copy. Can I neglect to return it and then pay whatever the lost book fee is? Just wondering what the halachic […]

Is kosher?

Question: Is there a problem of ribis if one uses as either a borrower or investor? “Lending Club is the world’s largest marketplace connecting borrowers and investors, where consumers and small business owners lower the cost of their credit and enjoy a better experience than traditional bank lending, and investors earn attractive risk-adjusted returns” […]

Can a Jewish person sell condoms?

Question: I sell various merchandise online- Amazon/E-Bay; am I permitted to sell condoms; according to most poskim condoms are assur; but there is a well known tshuva from the Achi Ezer that condoms are permitted; besides this most of the customers buying on Amazon/E-Bay are not Jewish. Is it permissible to sell condoms online??? Answer: […]

believing in more than one ruler

Question: In Hil. Teshuvah 3:7 of the Mishneh Torah (in his listing of heretics – minim), the Rambam makes the following statement: והאומר שיש שם מנהיג אבל הן שנים או יותר “The one who says there is indeed a [God] directing [the universe], but that there are two or more.” What is the basis of […]


Question: Hi my wife had a baby 3 weeks ago and slowly the blood flow is decreasing seemingly she’ll be able to make a hefsek tahara in a few days. However she is very nervous Mikva night will be at one of the 3 nights of Shavuot ( Chutz learetz shabos Sunday Monday) which will […]

Kashering metal frying pan to go from milchig to fleishig

Question: Can a metal frying pan that was used for milchigs be kashered so it can be used for fleishigs? Answer: According to the strict letter of the law one can kasher through “libun” a  metal frying pan that was used for milchigs so it can be used for fleishigs. But the accepted Ashkenazi  custom is to […]