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Avinu Malkenu on voluntary fasts

Question: In Ashkenazic tradition, if one takes upon himself a ta’anit yakhid, may he recite Avinu Malkenu as part of its observance?—or is it strictly a prayer for ta’aniyot tsibur? Answer: One can recite the Avinu Malkenu prayer even though he prays by himself. Sources: Eliyohu Rabah  584:5, Mateh Efrayim ibid 14. Teshuvas Rivevos Efrayim 2:165


Question: Is there an issur for a woman not to be fully clothed in front of a non-jewish man? (I’m asking strict halacha, not hashkafically) I saw the rivevos efraim but he only speaks about kol isha. Are there any other sources that are more explicit? Thank you Answer: I always thought there is no […]

Blessing – Is the outcome of a Bracha that what Kabbala calls the Shefa?

Question: “The Rishonim explain that the word brocho comes from breycha – a spring. A spring flows constantly and its waters increase. When we bless Hashem we are proclaiming our hope for an increase of His Presence in the world’s affairs..” Was one answer I got from here.. then I went on studying on this […]

Cup with dairy filled with hot water and spilled down fleishig sink

Question: Hello, I had a cup with about an ounce of whey protein and water. I filled it up with hot water ( from the tap, but possibly yad soledes, it was uncomfortable to leave my hand under it) and poured it down the fleishig sink/drain. Do I have to kasher the sink? Thank you! […]

Chazal’s knowledge of Science

Question: I’m stuck on Gemoro Pesachim 94. See what the Ramchal has to say about it: רמח”ל ספר אדיר במרום אך האמת הוא אעפ״י שהגלגלים והכוכבים הם דברים גשמיים, הנה בתוכם מתלבשין פנימיות מהשרשים…. וכל הדברים שתמצא שאומרים רדל בענין השמש ושאר הכוכבים, שאינן עומדים לפי הנראה לעינינו, מדבר הכל בזה הפנימיות שלהם…. והחכמה אשד […]

Can a travel agent sell airline tickets to a Jew to fly on Shabbos?

Question: This is about a travel agent sells air tickets to anyone, in the United States. 10% to 15% of his clients are Jews, and not always is the travel agent certain whether a client is a Jew. Is he allowed to sell to any of his clients tickets to fly on Shabbos, even if […]

Yerusha of intagibles (דבר שאין בו ממש)

Question: Thank you very much for the response (The question and answer are copied below). However, I am wondering whether דבר שלא בא לעולם and intangible are the same. A דבר שלא בא לעולם is a tangible item that does not yet exist. I am asking about something that will never be tangible. For example, […]


Question: I have an odd question that is unfortunately l’maase. For reasons that I cannot explain, I impulsively decided to make a neder for nezirus shimshon with the intention of retracting it toch kdei dibur. I said “hareini n’zir shimshon -No I’m not” 3 or 4 times one after the other. As far as I […]

Are Diaspora Jews commanded to be loyal to the countries in which they live?

Question: Are diaspora Jews required to be loyal to the countries in which we? I ask because a Jewish friend is encouraging anarchy. Will you please share halachic support please? Answer: We all know the well known phrase “dine demalchuse dine” (the law of the land is law). Over the generations that Jews we always […]


Question: Should one daven for his child not to be born on shabbos(to avoid chillul shabbos)? Please provide sources Thank you Answer: I think that one should leave things up to Hashem he knows what is the best for us. Especially as the Key of Birth is  held by Hashem himself. Besuros Toivos. Sources: Gemorah […]