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Offerings of David

David was not a priest. How come he made a burnt offering when he brought the Ark back? The King Saul did the same thing and was abandoned by G-d. But David was not.


Prior to the establishment of the Temple, but after the destruction of Shilo, it was permitted for a non-Kohen to offer up sacrifices on a bamas yachid, a ‘private altar’ built for the sake of offering sacrifices. This is explained by Radak (I Shmuel 7:9) concerning the sacrifices brought by Shmuel, and would apply to the sacrifices of David, too. After the Temple was established, it became forbidden to offer sacrifices anywhere other than the Temple, and only Kohanim (Priests) could officiate.

Saul was rejected as king not because there was something wrong with his offering, but because of his misdeed in failing to wipe out Amalek (and possible other flaws, as commentaries discuss).

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