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Prayer at Western Wall

What if I dont have any money to pay for a Rabbi to take my prayer to the wailing wall. I need to get this prayer for my brother who just found out he has lung cancer. Is there someone who will do this for free?


First of all, G-d is ready to answer your prayers from anywhere in the world, and the best prayer is probably your own, for you are the closest to your brother, and your prayer would be the most heartfelt.

Having said this, there is a virtue in the place of one’s prayer, which is why all of our prayers, wherever we might be, are recited facing Jerusalem. I am sure there are people who will be prepared to pray on your behalf at the Kotel, without payment.

You can send your brother’s name on a separate post, and we will try to arrange something.

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1 Comment

  1. Your words of wisdom gave me peace and hope. Thank you for taking the time to answer me. My brothers name is Henry.

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