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Reading Lists on Shabbos

If one made a list for Shabbos, to make sure the proper food is given throughout the meal.  Is there a problem of reading this list on Shabbos?


There is a problem in reading such lists.

The Mishnah states that they must not be read, and the Gemara offers two possible explanations: One is a concern of deleting a name, and another is that one might come to read other material that may not be read on Shabbos. The prohibition is ruled by the Shulchan Aruch (307:13).

Although the Bach writes that even the shamash (the person arranging the meal and seats, but not the owner of the house) may not read from the list, the Taz permits this, and the Magen Avraham and Mishnah Berurah (307:47) are lenient for a mitzvah or for many, the Mishnah Berurah adding that some are lenient even for a regular meal (for the shamash to read).

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  1. Would a husband be able to read it for his wife?

    1. No, because they are one team. Only somebody more external to the picture can do so.

  2. I spoke to Dayan Posen from Washington Heights about this topic. He also said that a husband can’t read it for his wife. He said that he personally organizes his fridge and freezer in stacks for each seudah, so all he does it takes out a pile for each seuda.

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