Whats the best way halachically can one prepare chopped or mashed eggs (egg salad) on shabbos? Also, include avocado in your answer? Can one smear avocado on challah on shabbos after its been mashed?
It is permitted to mash an egg on Shabbos with the teeth of a fork, or to chop it with a knife. For avodado, some authorities are lenient to mash it with the teeth of a fork (provided it is done for immediate consumption), whereas others are stringent, and require a shinui–for instance, mashing with the back of a spoon.
It is permitted to mash an egg on Shabbos with the teeth of a fork, or to chop it with a knife. An egg does not grow in the ground, and therefore according to most opinions the laws of grinding do not apply to it.
Yet, one may not use a purpose-made tool for mashing or fine chopping (Mishnah Berurah 321:7).
According to Rav Moshe Feinstein, it is likewise permitted to mash an avocado or a banana (Iggros Moshe, Orach Chaim 4:74, Tochen 2), if this is done right before the meal. The reason for this is that no pieces are ground, and because the Rashba rules it is permitted to grind for the purpose of immediate consumption. Also, many maintain that when a food is already fit for consumption, the prohibition of grinding does not apply.
However, the Chazon Ish is stringent in this matter, as is Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchasa (6:1). Yet, all agree that it is permitted to mash the avocado by using the back of a spoon, which is not the regular way of mashing it.
If the avocado is already soft, it is permitted to spread it gently on bread.