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Ha-Mavdil Bein Kodesh Le-Chol

if one failed to say 'atah chonantanu" in maariv of motzaei shabbat, is the proper formula "baruch hamavdil ben kodesh l'chol" or "baruch ata Hashem elokenu melech ha'olam hamavdil ben kodesh l'chol"?


The formula for permitting the performance of labor after Shabbos is "baruch hamavdil ben kodesh l'chol."

No special berachah (with baruch atah Hashem" was enacted for this beyond the full havdalah berachah, which is recited on wine.

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  1. What is the difference between Mav.dil and Beyn

    1. A wall separates. Hamavdil is whatis dividing. It divides between (bein) two things.

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