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Tefillas Ha-Derech Every Day

I have to travel to work about 15 miles away, it takes me 20 minutes one way and another 20 the way home. Should I say tefilas haderech going and also coming home? Should i make a bracha on some food in order to make the bracha of tefilas haderech a whole bracha?


You should say tefillas ha-derech every day.

Based on the ruling of the Mishnah Berurah (110), the shiur for tefillas ha-derech depends on distance (and not time), and the distance stipulated by Chazal is approx. 4 Km -- much less than 15 miles.

Although I have seen a ruling mentioned that somebody who makes a short out-of-town journey each should not recite the blessing (see Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, p. 77), I have not seen a source for this, and according to the simple rulings of poskim, a daily berachah should be recited.

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