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Consecutive Fasts

When the Ari z"l said to fast a certain number of times for certain sins were they back to back, or can one space them as one wants?


Many sources, including the Arizal himself (in shaar Ruach Ha-Kodesh), the Maggid Meisharim, the Chessed Le-Avraham, and others (such as the Chida) write that the fasts must be back to back. This is written concerning the 84 fasts, and applies to other sets, too.

However, the Baal Ha-Tanya, in the letter published in Tanya, writes that there is no need for the fasts to be consecutive.

Some write that he apparently did not have access to the above-mentioned Shaar Ruach Ha-Kodesh, and this is why he does not require consecutive fasts.

The consecutive days do not include Rosh Chodesh and other days that one cannot fast on. In addition, they can be made up by fasting two days together (48 hours without eating), which is equivalent (according to the Arizal) to 27 fasts.

Best wishes and Kesivah Vechasimah Tovah.

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