What is the bracha on granola cereal? (has some nuts like almonds but is mainly oats)
Eaten as is, the berachah is ha'adamah. Although the after-berachah involves a debate among poskim, the general custom is to recite borei nefashos.
If the granola has been soaked in milk (or water) for enough time so that it is soft and stuck together (forming a paste-type mixture), many rule that one should say a mezonos (see Vezos Haberachah p. 106).
what bracha should be made on granola sprinkled into yogurt?
and what is a k'zayis?
The granola is a tofel to the yogurt, as it is there to make it taste better.
A kzayis is technically an olive. It's size is approximately (slightly larger) then the size of an Israeli match box, or a golf ball.
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