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Cooked Cheese in Pots

By mistake one cooked non-kosher cheese in kosher pots and served it on kosher plates and silverware. what should be done?


If the cheese is a rennet-based cheese (e.g. Cheddar, Muenster, Mozzarella), the pots and dishes will require kashering (see Rema, Yoreh De’ah 115:1). One can be lenient and kasher even china plates, which are usually not kashered (see Beis Shlomo, Yoreh De’ah 1:186; among other sources). This is done by means of hag’alah (immersion in boiling water). Care should be taken in immersing china dishes (they should be heated before, and immersed delicately).

If the cheese is not rennet based, and is pure cheese, there is no need for kashering (based on Iggros Moshe, who rules that non-rennet cheeses are not included in the decree of gevinas akum).

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