Does a nursing mother need to wait to nurse her baby after marital relations?
The Magen Avraham mentions, citing from the Zohar, that a nursing mother should preferably wait 18-36 minutes after marital relations before nursing.
He adds that if the baby wants to eat (and will experience discomfort in waiting), it is fine to feed him right away.
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a nursing mother need to wait to nurse her baby after marital relations-Lkatchileh yes. the Zoher Hakodesh Vaikra states not to nurs a baby after relations, to wait if posibele 36 minuts or 18 minuts only if the baby is kreing a lot so ther is no chois. lok in Mogen Avrohom end of Simon 240, Baier Haitev 240:24 ,Urech Hashilchon 240:18 and more.
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