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Steam Connecting Fish and Meat

B’kavod Harav, I noticed a previous psak about fish and meat in the oven and was surprised by the psak. If the steam of the fish hits the meat (while cooking in an oven) isn’t one eating fish and meat together which the Shulchan Aruch forbids. If the gemara limits the case to reicha in Pesachim, doesn’t that imply that actual steam would cause problems? So even if the Rama rules that Riecha of fish and meat is ok after the fact, wouldn’t he agree steam causes issues? Also isn’t the steam mamashes and not just Taam? So I am not sure of why the Taz’s kula by Taam plays any role in this case. Would the Taz permit a hamburger that was cooked touching fish as long as one just removes the fish before eating the burger? If that is not called taam, than isn’t steam somewhat comparable? Isn’t it a chiddish to say steam is like taam sheni? Hope Rebbe is doing well!


You are right that steam is not the same as reicha. However, only liquids emit halachic “steam,” and when solids are being discussed, the emission is not considered steam, but only reicha.

It is true that steam, where there is a fair amount, is considered for many purposes as be’ein: see Shevet Ha-Levi, Vol. 10, Yoreh De’ah no. 122. But if I remember correctly, in the case that was discussed in the question, there was no acutal liquid (such as soup) that gives off copulent amount of steam.

Baruch Hashem things here are more than fine, and be’shaah tova we had the zechus of having a new baby boy born on Monday!

Please G-d we will share many more simchos!

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  1. Mazel Tov! on the birt of the baby. I was thrilled to hear the great news. May the bris be Bzamano, and May he be zoche to grow in torah, chupa, and ma’asim tovim!

    Based on Rebbes clarification I think I miss understood the original psak. u
    I thought Rebbe was saying that even if steam hits the other in the oven the fish or meat is ok, but Rebbe was just saying that taste alone is ok. (like using a ben yoma meat pot to cook fish)and not a case where there was for sure steam, right?

    1. Thanks! The idea was taste, and not full steam. For non-liquid dishes, the “vapour” that can be seen emerging (for instance, when opening an oven) is not considered “steam.” Ta’am, as you note, is permitted according to many poskim.

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