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Cooking Bones in the Cholent

As is known there is a maklokes haposkim in regards to removing the cover of a cholent pot that has inside of it bones that are not fully cooked and putting back on the top (a chashesh that you are speeding up the bishul.) L’maseh I had discussed with a bone eater the metzias which there are parts of the bone that even by Shabbos Night the bones are cooked enough to eat them in some parts (i.e. on the sides.) However in the middle they are still quite hard and anyway no one would eat them. Is there any problem then for this person to uncover the cholent pot. The bones l’maseh are cooked enough in one place to eat, however not in another (he did say that if the bones would be fully cooked then he would eat the whole thing but since they are not only eats the part that is cooked.)


The way in which the dispute concerning bones is understood is that the matter depends on the eating habits. For places where bones are generally not consumed, there is no need to be concerned about the presence of bones, whereas for places where it is customary to eat bones, one should be concerned.

I don’t see why the fact that the bones are already partially edible will make a difference. If we are in bone-eating territory, and therefore wish to be stringent concerning the cooking of bones, then the fact that the inside of the bone is inedible will constitute a problem.

However, for most people and most places, one will not have to be concerned for this, and as we know, it is the general custom to do chazarah for cholent pots on Friday night, without concern for the possibly uncooked bones.

Best wishes.

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