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Continuing Meal at Tisch

Chassidim that go to a tisch Friday Night (when they are still in the middle of a seudah) will not make a second bracha on yain (although being a maklokes most chassidim I asked don’t make a bracha) if they had already made a bracha on yain by kiddush for example or drank yain in the middle of the seudah.

What about if the person only made a bracha and drank a sip of the yain (a bachur for example that was simply yotzee kiddush and drank a little bit.) Does this bracha help to drink yain by the tisch (for those that are nohag this way) or must he make another bracha since he didn’t drink a shiur to begin with.


If the person is in the middle of the meal, and he is effectively continuing his meal at the tisch, for which he had initial intention to do, there is no need for a new berachah.

If planned in advance, a bread meal can continue in two separate places, and there is no need to make new berachos (any) for those berachos that were already made.

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