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Bittul Lechatchilah of Milk for Waiting Six Hours

In Hilchos Taaroves (Siman 99 Sif 6 Shach 22) it speaks about taking water that milk fell into and became batel and lechatchila using that for cooking meat with. This refers specifically to a case where the milk fell into it and became batel, and not to lechatchila add milk and then put the water into the meat tavshil.

What would be the din in the following case. Someone ate meat. Now they have a cup with a little bit of milk at the bottom. Can they add water into this (b’ofen that the milk will become batel) and lechatchila then drink this?

What it says in SA is only that you can add the water if the milk become batel already in the water, but not to do that part lechatchila. The shailo in this case is to lechatchila add water to make the milk batel, and then to drink it within 6 hours of eating meat.


I have not seen this question dealt with explicitly.

Based on the Shach in Yoreh De’ah 89 (19), there is room to be lenient with regard to waiting six hours after meat, so that even bittul lechatchilah of the milk will not be a problem.

Best wishes.

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