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Forgiving Swindler


A Non-Jew cheated me out of $100 (sold me 2 phones but never switched them out of his name. He told me he would but now he won't answer the phone or return my texts) it proper to be mochel him the $100? Is it proper for me to be "makpid" on him? (I am not planning to spend the time and effort to get the money back).


It is not proper, in this case, to be mochel the individual, and this would be true even if he were a Jew.

Even in the tefillah zakah (composed by the Chayei Adam) recited on Yom Kippur eve, we do not forgive those people who have harmed us financially, where we are able to claim the money back. If they want forgiveness, they should give back the money they swindled, and so long as they are not remorseful, there is no reason to forgive and forgo.

Best wishes.

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