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Tehillim for the Sick

How long do you say Tehiilim:
-on behalf of someone who is battling cancer, and the disease seems to have gone into remission.
-on behalf of a person with Parkinsons’s, and the progression seems to have slowed.
-on behalf of a person who had a heart attack, and doctors have now determined that she has a chronic heart condition with which she will struggle for the rest of her life.
-on behalf of a person who is recovering from a hip replacement, but she will need weeks of physical therapy.
-on behalf of a person who had a stroke, and doctors think he may be out of danger, but he will be on blood thinners for the foreseeable future.
Can you say Tehillim for someone with a mental illness, a mental disorder (depression, anxiety, personality disorder, addiction)? if so, for how long?


There are no fixed halachos for saying Tehillim for sick people, and a person can privately add chapters of Tehillim to his supplications whenever he so wishes.

Yet, a public recitation of Tehillim is reserved for people in a life-threatning or severe condition, and it is important that events of public recitation of Tehillim be kept for special cases.

In general, we do not pray for those people who have no chance of healing — for it is wrong to pray for an outright miracle. However, if the person’s condition can be eased in some way, it is certainly fine to daven for this, including the addition of chapters of Tehillim.

Even when a condition has improved, there remains room to pray for continual improvement and recovery.

Best wishes.

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  1. Can you say Tehillim for someone with a mental illness, a mental disorder (depression, anxiety, personality disorder, addiction)? if so, for how long?

    1. If there is a chance he will recover, or his condition will improve, it is fine to say Tehillim for him, privately, for as long as one wishes. These matters are a little bit personal, and it is hard to give a general ruling on such things. If you feel there is hope, and you feel strongly that you wish to pray on his behalf, then by all means recite Tehillim.

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