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Father Changing Daughter

Until what age may a Father see his daughter without clothes (i.e. when changing a diaper — if she still wears sometimes after 3 years old or giving her a bath, etc)?


There is no problem for a father to see his young daughter without clothes, provided he is not in the middle of keriyas shema or the like.

As the Rambam rules, it is permitted for a father to sleep with his daughter even if she does not have clothes (until the age that she is ashamed of this), and there is no concern for improper thoughts and the like with regard to a daughter.

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  1. i don’t believe a father can look at his daughters private part if she is over 3. it is an issur daraisa

  2. R’ Chaim Kanievsky in “Sh’eilas Rav” is reported to have responded, “Tov lizaher.” Certainly not implying a very severe issur, if any.

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