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Blemishes in Women and Kohanim

In regards to the dinim of moomim that are found by an isha. As well that all moomim that are pasul by a Cohen are also pasul by an isha. What would be the din if an isha was born with 6 toes and had one surgically removed. Is this still considered a “pasul” would she have to be modia a potential shidduch?


Although the Shulchan Aruch (Even Ha-Ezer 39) rules that blemishes for kehunah are blemishes for women, this does not apply to all blemishes: For instance, a left handed woman is not considered a blemish.

However, an extra toe is certainly a blemish that a woman must notify her potential husband of before marriage. The Gemara mentions the case of an extra finger as as being such a blemish, and the same will be true of a toe.

Best wishes.

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