What is the velt minhag on a vort and chupo for second marriages?
Should the vort be private,with just a few family members ?
Should the chupo be small and also private?
Could you please indicate what the sources in halocho are
many thanks
binyomin hakohen
This is very much a personal issue.
Although the idea of the luchos shenios being given be-tzin'ah can be cited as a source for making a "quieter" second marriage, and it is clear from the Gemara that the joy of a second marriage is not equal to the joy of a first marriage (which is why there are fewer days of rejoicing), I do not know of official sources that clearly call for a quiet wedding ceremony.
Many prefer to make a quieter ceremony for personal reasons, but if a person wishes to make a standard chasnah, this is also fine.
Best wishes.