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Selichos Slowly

When someone is saying slichos with a minyan and is not able to keep up the minyan what it is better — When the tzibbur gets to the 13 middos to stop where ever the person is holding in slichos and say along with the tzibbur then continue with slichos and when the person gets to that point of the 13 middos to skip them and go viter? Or better to just saying the slichos straight, saying every one of the 13 middos even though it’s not where the minyan is holding? (rather be somach on the fact that since the person is davening with a minyan that that’s enough to say the 13 middos.)


It is fine to say less selichos than the minyan, if this allows a person to have better intent on the words.

Whenever the congregation reaches the 13 middos, one should answer together with them.

Best wishes.

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