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Status of Others when Mevarech Interrupted Before Eating

If someone is being motzai someone else in Hamotzee at the shabbos table, and the mivorech talks before he eats challah, is the listener still yotzai as long as he himself doesnt talk or does he have to make a new bracha?


Many poskim rule that even if the person reciting the blessing interrupts, and must recite a new blessing, others who are yotzei with him can rely on the blessing to eat.


The Mishnah Berurah (167:42) writes that the rulings of halachic authorities imply that those being yotzei the berachah cannot rely on the berachah, and he concludes with a tzarich iyun.

However, a number of authorities are lenient on this point (see Sedei Chemed, Hefsek, no. 10), as ruled by the Peri Megadim (M.Z. 8), and the Mishnah Berurah himself (213:15 and Shaar Ha-Tzion 8) cites this as the halachic ruling (citing from Peri Megadim and Rabbi Akiva Eiger).

The reasoning for this is that the berachah itself is a “good berachah,” and although the person reciting the berachah cannot rely on the berachah after interrupting, others can still rely on it, and do not need to make another berachah.

The reason to say that others are not yotzei is that on account of the interruption, the berachah is not applied to any food, and is therefore inherently unable to help for others (see Biur Halachah). Some mention that based on this rationale, if those hearing the berachah eat before the person who recited the berachah makes an interruption, they can certainly rely on it.

Best wishes.


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