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Timing for Beginning Prayer for Rain for Israelis/non-Israelis

In Eretz Yisrael we start saying V’Sain Tal U’Matar on Zion Cheshvan. If someone from Eretz Yisrael will be in America on Zion Cheshvan and will be flying back to Eretz Yisrael a few days after that what is the halacha in regards to when they should start saying V’Sain Tal U’Matar?

So to in the opposite case. When someone from Chutz L’Aretz is in Eretz Yisrael on Zion Cheshvan but will be returning to America afterwards (before they begin to say there.) What is the halacha by this person?


For the second case the halachah is not crystal clear.

I recall that Rav Elyashiv ruled (I was in yeshiva at the time) that the person should say veten berachah, and add veten tal u-matar in the Shome’a Tefillah berachah.

The same ruling is given in Kuntress Gishmei Berachah in the name of the Steipler.

For the first case, there is more of a rationale to begin saying veten tal u-matar from the Israel date (7 Cheshvan), because it is a time for rainfall.

The Shaarei Teshuva (117) rules that if somebody started to say veten tal u-matar and then left Israel, he should not change, and the implication of the Mishnah Berurah (see also Be’er Heitev) is that this is true even for somebody who has not yet started to say veten tal u-matar.

Thus, if the intention is to come back to Israel, he should begin saying veten tal u-matar on 7 Cheshvan. This is the ruling given by the Iggros Moshe (2:102).

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