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Bowing Down to Pick Something Up

Can someone bow on his knees to pick something up, or wants to get get something from a lower draw, or for cleaning purpose?


There is no problem with bowing down on one’s knees for any of these purposes.


The full Torah prohibition of bowing down on a stone floor applies specifically to a full prostration, with head touching the ground and legs stretched out.

Rabinically, however, it is also forbidden to bow one’s head to the ground on a stone floor even when the legs are not outstretched. Similarly, it is rabinically forbidden to fully prostrate oneself even on a non-stone floor.

In general, we do not fully prostrate ourselves when bending over; likewise, the floor is generally not stone. Therefore, there is no need for stringency.

But beyond this, even if all the conditions for the prohibition will apply, there will still be no prohibition of bowing down to pick something up. The prohibition applies to bowing down as an act of religious worship – it is a corollary of idolatry. If the circumstances clearly demonstrate that there is no act of religious worship taking place, but rather an everyday act of picking something up from under a bed, no prohibition will apply.

Please see our article here for further sources and details of this matter.

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