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Designation of Witnesses for Kiddushin

When I got married, one of the people i designated as eid kiddushin was a rav who married my third cousin, which i think is kasher. anyway, the mesader kidushin turned to me after that rav was called up and asked if i was related, as he had known that. he said maybe he will just serve as the second eid himself. before the maysa kidushin, he said that i was designating these eidim, but im not sure which 2 he had in mind and looking back i don’t know which i had in mind. in the end, all 3 of them witnessed it. is there a problem?


This is not a problem, and you don’t have to be concerned.

A husband of your third cousin is kosher for eidus, and your designation is therefore fine, whatever you meant.

Even if you didn’t mean anything in particular, the Kiddushin remains fine. There is room to see you assent to the rabbi as a designation of witnesses even if your own intention was unclear, and even if there was no designation at all, the Kiddushin are good bedieved (see Otzar Haposkim 42, 27)

So you don’t need to be concerned.

Best wishes.



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